ARCO sets high standards for Integrated Retirement Communities.
Our aim is to ensure that customers considering a move to an Integrated Retirement Community are provided with all the information that they need upfront and that their rights as consumers and as owners and residents are protected.
ARCO Approved Operators agree to abide by the Consumer Code and the Standards and Compliance Framework. ARCO membership, therefore, means that the Integrated Retirement Community operator has agreed to go beyond the legal requirements to ensure transparency in its marketing and sales practices, providing information on fees and charges to customers promptly. The Code also sets the core levels of service provision for ARCO Members, and requires operators to have a clear and timely procedure for dealing with Complaints.
Approved Operators are regularly assessed by ARCO to ensure that high standards are maintained. In addition, ARCO supports Members to achieve compliance by providing workshops, training, and guidance materials.
ARCO’s Standards and Regulation functions are overseen by the Standards Committee. The Committee confers Approved Operator status on Members who have achieved compliance and works to promote high standards across the ARCO membership.